Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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We search the UK's top job boards, employers and agencies so you don't have to. This can also be filtered by location. ...

North Side House , Mount Pleasant , Cockfosters , EN4 9EB

Workcircle Job Search Logo Image

Working Families is the UK's leading work-life balance organisation. The charity helps working parents and carers and their employers find a better balance between responsibilities at home and work. Our ...

Cambridge House, 1 , Addington Square , London , SE5 0HF

Working Families Logo Image

0300 0120312

We champion the latest and most authoritative scientific research from around the world on cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity, so that we can help people ...

22 , Bedford Square , London , WC1B 3HH

World Cancer Research Fund Logo Image

02073 434205

Wriggle and Rhyme is a fun and interactive session for babies, toddlers and their parents or carers. Loads of noisy fun and instruments to shake and rattle. The sessions are ...

Blandford Road , Hamworthy , Poole , Dorset , BH15 4BG

Wriggle and Rhyme - Hamworthy Community Library Logo Image

01202 127222

Wriggle and Rhyme is a fun and interactive session for babies, toddlers and their parents or carers. Loads of noisy fun and instruments to shake and rattle. The sessions are ...

Wimborne Road , Oakdale , Poole , Dorset , BH15 3EF

Wriggle and Rhyme - Oakdale Library Logo Image

01202 127272

Yarrells Preparatory School is an independent day school and nursery for boys and girls aged between 2 and 13. Located in the town of Upton, near Poole, Dorset, Yarrells provides ...

Yarrells House , Yarrells Lane , Upton , Poole , Dorset , BH16 5EU

Yarrells School and Nursery Logo Image

01202 622229

I have over 25 years experience as a childminder and also experience as a Nanny. I belong to the local childminding group, where I am the vacancy list holder. ...

, Oakdale , Poole , Dorset , BH15 3EQ

Yarrow, Mrs Geraldine Joy Logo Image

01202 383315

The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) is a national charity with a social purpose to inform, educate, safeguard and build digital resilience amongst young and vulnerable people. Helping ...

YGAM - Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust Logo Image

0203 8374963

We believe in helping people build a better future - help us combat youth homelessness and enable positive change for young people's lives. YMCA Bournemouth has many opportunities that reach ...

Delta House , Westover Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH1 2BS

YMCA Bournemouth - Youth Projects Logo Image

01202 290451

A qualified Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher and Teacher Trainer with a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, I have been working privately as well as in special needs schools, referral units and ...

Yoga and Mindfulness as Therapeutic Intervention Logo Image

07941 172072

A Young Carer is defined as 'a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person (of any age, except where that care is provided for ...

Young Carers Service - BCP Council Logo Image

01202 123334

Young Dorset works with children and youth within the community, including those who are disengaged, isolated, hard to reach, disadvantaged and who have Special Educational Needs. We provide our beneficiaries ...

Romany Works , Wareham Road , Poole , Dorset , BH16 6JL

Young Dorset Logo Image

07854 434575

We are offering this fantastic opportunity to schools and clubs all across Dorset. If you would like more information or to book sessions please contact us. Facilites weather permitting ...

07854 434575

When a child is diagnosed with cancer it threatens everything, for them and their family. At a time when they should be busy being children, enjoying their rollercoaster teenage years ...

No1. Farriers Yard, Assembly London , 77-85 Fulham Palace Road , London , W6 8JA

Young Lives vs Cancer Logo Image

0300 330 0803

Young Minds are the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional well being and mental health of children and young people. We also provide expert knowledge to professionals, parents ...

Suite 11 Baden Place , Crosby Row , London , SE1 1YW

Young Minds Logo Image

0207 0895050

YoungSibs provide information, advice and support for children and young people under 18, who have a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term ...

YoungSibs Logo Image

Best night of your week: Our brand-new midweek youth group at the church! Lots of time for games, hanging out, crazy activities and exploring faith! ...

Immanuel Church , 20 Southbourne Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 3QJ

Youth Club Nights - Immanuel Church Logo Image

07717 396110

The Youth Empowerment Platform is a community club for youth aged 11 to 18 from BAME backgrounds, although not exclusively, within Dorset. The club seeks to empower young people to be equal ...

, 4-6 Old Christchurch Lane , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH1 1NE

Youth Empowerment Platform Logo Image