Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
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The Haemophilia Society is the only UK wide charity for everyone affected by bleeding disorders. We help people with bleeding disorders to lead fulfilling lives, make informed choices and to ...

140-148 Borough High Street , London , SE1 1LB

The Haemophilia Society Logo Image

02079 390780

Since 1996 Honeypot has been working to enhance the lives of vulnerable children and young carers aged 5 to 12 years by providing respite breaks and on-going outreach support. We ...

19 Berghem Mews , Blythe Road , London , W14 0HN

The Honeypot Children's Charity Logo Image

020 7602 2631

The Leonardo Trust is an independent charity set up to help people in Dorset who are voluntary carers for sick or disabled relatives or friends. We appreciate that being a ...

5 , Dunyeats Road , Broadstone , Dorset , BH18 8AA

01202 698325

The MPS Society is the only registered UK charity providing professional support to individuals, families and professionals affected by MPS and related diseases throughout the UK. ...

MPS House , White Lion Road , Amersham , Buckinghamshire , HP7 9LP

The MPS Society Logo Image

0345 3899901

, The Centre is a place to meet for people with MS, their carers, volunteer helpers and supporters. Transport is arranged for the less able from and back to the ...

The Osborne Centre , Church Lane , West Parley , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH22 8TS

01202 570300

Welcome to The Partially Sighted Society. We are a national charity here to help anybody living with sight loss. Our specialist services focus on helping you to make the best ...

1 Bennetthorpe , Doncaster , DN2 6AA

The Partially Sighted Society Logo Image

01302 965195

Priory Hospital Southampton's tranquil environment offers therapeutic and recovery-focused residential treatment, as well as flexible day care and outpatient services, for the treatment of a wide range of mental health ...

The Priory Hospital Southampton , Hythe Road , Marchwood , Southampton , Hampshire , SO40 4WU

The Priory Hospital Southampton Logo Image

02380 840044

We are passionate about changing society for the better, so that people with dwarfism can have the same opportunities as everyone else. Our purpose is to ensure that all people ...

The Restricted Growth Association (RGA UK) , PO Box 88 , Presteigne , LD1 9BL

The Restricted Growth Association Logo Image

The Royal College of Psychiatrists aims to improve the lives of people with mental illness. The Parents and Youth Information index on the website provides specifically tailored information for young people, parents, ...

21 , Prescot Street , London , E1 8BB

The Royal College of Psychiatrists Logo Image

02086 184000

Since we were established in 1958 we have been committed to making a positive difference to the lives of blind and partially sighted people. At Pocklington, we rely on people ...

Tavistock House South (Entrance D) , Tavistock Square , London , WC1H 9LG

Thomas Pocklington Trust - For People With Sight Loss Logo Image

02089 950880

TOFS (Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Support) is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of all who were born with the TOF condition. For nearly forty years we have been helping families ...

St George's Centre , 91 Victoria Road , Netherfield , NG4 2NN

TOFS Logo Image

0115 9613092

When a child's life is expected to be short, there's no time to waste. Together for Short Lives is the UK charity that is here to make sure seriously ill ...

Together for Short Lives Logo Image

08088 088100

Total Children's Therapy is a private practice based at the Poole Road Medical Centre, Bournemouth. The team is made up of experienced clinicians who are very used to working with ...

Poole Road Medical Centre , Poole Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH2 5QR

Total Children's Therapy Logo Image

01202 743674

Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological condition, the key features of which are tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements. TS is a complex condition and a large amount of ...

The Meads Business Centre, 19 , Kingsmead , Farnborough , Hampshire , GU14 7SR

Tourettes Action Logo Image

0300 7778427

We are committed to helping children with autism and/or related developmental delays reach their full potential through providing research-based treatment based on the principles of ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) We ...

UK Young Autism Project , 89 Tilehurst Road , Earlsfield , London , SW18 3EX

UK Young Autism Project Logo Image

0203 3699630

16 Unique SEND Logo
Discovering that you or your child has a rare chromosome disorder or an autosomal dominant single gene disorder causing your child's learning disability, developmental delay and maybe other symptoms can ...

The Stables , Station Road West , Oxted , RH8 9EE

Unique Logo Image

01883 723356

You may have a child or have just had a baby with Down Syndrome and just feel out of your depth. That is exactly why we are here. We are ...

The Old School House , School Road , Westonzoyland , Somerset , TA7 0LN

Ups and Downs Southwest Logo Image

01278 691100

18 Variety SEND Logo
We improve the lives of children and young people throughout the UK who are sick, disabled or disadvantaged. Variety provides coaches and bespoke wheelchairs, specialist, sensory and recreational equipment for ...

Variety House , 93 Bayham Street , London , NW1 0AG

Variety Logo Image

02074 288100

The Vision Support Service (VSS) work with children and young people, from birth to 25 years, with moderate to profound vision impairments. We are a team of specialist advisory teachers, also ...

Education and Learning , County Hall , Colliton Park , Dorchester , DT1 1XJ

01305 228300

Wellbeing for carers. New well being for carers sessions. supportive and friendly sessions, There will be a mixture of information sharing discussions alongside some optional craft activities.. A carer is ...

Well-being for Carers Workshops - BCP Carers Support Logo Image

01202 128787

Our mission is to transform the lives of disabled children by providing the equipment, support and life skills they need, when they need them - giving them the chance to ...

4th Floor Portland House , Bressenden Place , London , SW1E 5BH

Whizz Kidz Logo Image

0207 2336600

The Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association was formed in 2004 and aims to offer a range of services to ensure that deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people in Dorset ...

Wiltshire & Dorset Deaf Association (WDDA) , 25 Portman Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH7 6EU

Wiltshire and Dorset Deaf Association (WDDA) Logo Image

A Young Carer is defined as 'a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person (of any age, except where that care is provided for ...

Young Carers Service - BCP Council Logo Image

01202 123334

We enable children and young people with epilepsy and associated conditions to develop their full potential through:, Removing stigma and discrimination, Being at the forefront of research into epilepsy, Providing expert ...

Young Epilepsy , St Piers Lane , Lingfield , Surrey , RH7 6PW

Young Epilepsy Logo Image

01342 832243

Young Minds are the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional well being and mental health of children and young people. We also provide expert knowledge to professionals, parents ...

Suite 11 Baden Place , Crosby Row , London , SE1 1YW

Young Minds Logo Image

0207 0895050