Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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Nature & Environment
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East Southbourne And Tuckton;East Southbourne And Tuckton
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Nature & Environment

Get outdoors and experience the natural environment. Activities to do with nature and the environment awaken a sense of environmental responsibility, offer an opportunity to do things outdoors and teach you how to respect nature.

Join us for a stroll around the park at night to look and listen for bats. Find out all about the UK's bats, why they are important, and how we ...

, Seafield Road , Southbourne , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 3JF

An Evening with Bats at Seafield Gardens Logo Image

01202 143724

Come and meet with Parks Activator Jess about our new community growing space. We will chat about how you can get involved with food growing and start some growing-related craft ...

, Seafield Road , Southbourne , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 3JF

Cultivate and Create at Seafield Gardens Logo Image

01202 143724

Join our GreenFingers volunteer group to enjoy the outdoors and get involved in practical conservation in your local park. Tasks will vary from week to week and include things like ...

, Seafield Road , Southbourne , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 3JF

Greenfingers at Seafield Gardens Logo Image

01202 143724

Wildlife expert, conservationist and television presenter Chris Packham officially opened the centre in April 2014. It was created to help explain the area, its history, wildlife, archaeology and geology to ...

Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 4EW

Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre Logo Image

01202 128444

From humble beginnings as a local tip to a beautiful local nature reserve. This site next to the River Stour is an excellent place to spot birds and other wildlife. ...

Iford , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 5NF

Iford Meadows Logo Image

01202 123432

Join our Parks Activator, Will, for a fun nature-themed group for under 5yr olds and their carers. Your child can become a bold explorer and develop their curiosity through play ...

, Seafield Road , Southbourne , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 3JF

Nature Tots at Seafield Gardens Logo Image

01202 143724

Are you 16-25 years-old and looking for work experience in an environmental role, something to add to your CV, or a career change to a green job? The Parks Foundation ...

, Seafield Road , Southbourne , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 3JF

Woodworking - Young Adult Ranger Work Experience at Seafield Gardens Logo Image

01202 143724