Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Holiday Activities and food programme (HAF)

School holidays can be difficult for families with increased costs for food and childcare. 

The Department for Education funded holiday activities and food programme (HAF) provides free holiday activity places for children and young people in receipt of benefits-based free school meals, from reception year to age 16. 

A meal is also provided whilst the child or young person is at the activity. Additionally, the programme provides nutritional education for children and their families and signposting to other support services for families.

HAF funded activities are available during the easter, summer and christmas holidays. Half terms are not included.   

For more information about the programme and how to take part, please click on the parent/carer or children and young people boxes below.

Details of HAF activities running during the summer holidays will appear here when available.

Providers and educators - contact us if you provide:

  • holiday activities in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole and would like funding to support free places for children in receipt of benefits-related free school meals
  • food which meets the school food standards
  • nutritional education to children and families

To find out more click on the information for providers and food suppliers boxes. 

We have a produced  a video for you to explain about the holiday activity and food programme.

Information for parents and carers
Information for children and young people
Information for holiday activity providers
Information for food suppliers and nutrition experts