Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Our work with schools and other education settings - Educational Psychology Service

Some examples of our work in settings are:

  • Meeting with young people and the adults that support them to put together an action plan to make things better in school
  • Supporting staff through training, coaching, consultation or supervision
  • Helping schools to develop whole-school policies and approaches
  • Providing support to schools following a critical incident
  • Helping schools to evaluate what is working well and decide on next steps
  • Researching and developing new ideas

We provide training and on-going supervision for staff who are delivering interventions such as:

  • Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs)
  • Designated Mentor intervention

We also deliver a range of projects:

  • Sandwell whole school approach to well-being
  • Academic Resilience Audit
  • WISH project
  • ELSA
  • Designated Mentor intervention

Please read our latest projects below.

The BCP Council Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) is a tool to support education settings through their inclusion journey. It will support local settings to identify priorities for their whole setting development plan - through the analysis of strengths and areas for development. 

We hope that the IQM will inspire our BCP community to develop, share and celebrate good inclusive practice across the region and enable us to co-create and share useful resources to support this. We also hope that the IQM will enable parents to feel confident that where a setting has achieved the Quality Mark, this represents genuine and effective inclusive practice and a strong commitment to ensuring positive outcomes for vulnerable and marginalised pupils, including those with SEND.

Prize winning pupils provided the idea for the new BCP Council Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) logo.  You can read more about the competition and see the entries on our Eduhub blog.