Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Donate to local food banks

Food banks need your help, now more than ever.

Next time you do your grocery or food shop, please remember your local food banks.

How to donate

You can use the food bank donation boxes at your local supermarket, donate directly to your local food bank or make a donation online.

You can also download the Bank the Food app to keep track of urgent requests from local food banks, as well as reminders to donate whenever you enter a supermarket.

What to donate

Bournemouth Foodbank

Bournemouth foodbank's website shows a list of items that they are running low on.  If you wish to donate any of these items they can be dropped here: Bournemouth Foodbank

If generous people would rather donate cash (as lots now do their shopping online), they can do so here: Donate online to Bournemouth Foodbank

Christchurch Foodbank

Christchurch foodbank uses the Bank the Food app shown above to list items that they are low on and can be dropped off at the local supermarket.

Poole Foodbank – Jimmy’s Place

You can stay up to date with Poole foodbank's most needed food items on The Bank the Food app shown above – this can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Find out more about Poole Foodbank

Citygate Community Hub Foodbank

We need support for our Christmas Hamper Appeal in partnership with Bournemouth Foodbank and other local agencies - partners, drivers and sponsorship welcome. Find out how you can get involved: Christmas Hamper Appeal

Hope for Food

Hope for food have a list of useful items that you can donate listed on their website.  They will also accept toiletries and cleaning products and household goods.

We are open for donations Monday to Thursday mornings from 9.30am to 12.30pm and on Saturday from 10.00am to 12.00 am. Address: Unit 13 West Howe Industrial Estate, Elliott Road, Bournemouth BH11 8LZ.

There is also a donation bin outside the unit where you can leave donations outside these hours.

If you are unable to get to our Unit you can also take donations to one our drop off points.

Find out more about Hope for Food

Poole Waste Not Want Not

You can make a financial donation via the Poole Waste Not Want Not website.

Check out the Bank the Food app to see which items they require.

Moor Community Food – Turlin Moor, Poole

Donations can be delivered to St Gabriel's Church Hall, Keysworth Road, Poole BH16 5BH on Tuesdays 9.30am to 11.30am.

Find out more about Moor Community Food