Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Transition (moving) to an early years setting or school

TransitionTransitionTransition is the term used to describe the process of planning and preparation when children and young people change from one phase of education, health or social care to another. is the word used to describe when a child moves from:

  • home to an early years setting such as a pre-school, day nursery or childminder
  • one early years setting to another
  • an early years setting to school

If your child goes to an early years setting, they will make sure your child’s additional needs are supported during a move (or transition) to another room, a new early years setting or onto school.

Planning for any move is very important and your early years provider will involve you every step of the way.

With your permission, your child’s SENCO or key person will share information about your child’s additional needs with the new setting or school. They will also set up a transition meeting for you and any professionals who are or will be working with your child, to attend. At this meeting everyone will decide how best to support your child’s transition to their new room, setting or school.

If your child does not go to an early years setting you can contact your local Family Hub or Children's Centre for information and support.

Our information about starting infant or primary school will also give you more tips and hints to help your child with the move.

The early years team and partners are currently finalising an early years transition charter that partners will use to work together to ensure a smooth transition for each child. The charter will be published on this page soon.