Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

How is the EHCP funding spent at my child's school

Who keeps an eye on what the money for an EHCP is spent on?

The annual review process will assist the local authority in ensuring that funding on your child or young person’s EHCP is used as it is intended. Funding is aligned with the provision specified in section F of a child or young person’s EHC Plan.

BCP Council also have stringent finance processes which ensure all expenditure is closely monitored and aligns with what has been agreed on an EHCP, both by managers in the SEND service and also those in the commissioning and finance team.

Is the money for an EHCP supposed to be spent on group interventions, or individually for my child?

The funding on an EHCP is for the child or young person who has the EHCP, however some interventions are more appropriately delivered in a group setting, for example social skills interventions. Funding is decided based on the provision specified in section F of your child or young person’s EHC plan so their educational setting must ensure they are delivering that provision.

Where does the EHCP funding go when a child is out of education because no place has been found that can meet their needs?

Funding will cease to the setting the child or young person was attending, as it will no longer be required by that setting. New funding will then be identified based on the requirements of the child or young person and the provision they will be moving on to.

Who tracks the effectiveness of EHCP funding on the outcomes for the individual child?

Outcomes are monitored for every child or young person through their annual review process. A young person, parent, the setting or the LA can request an early annual review if there are any concerns or there has been a change in the child or young person’s needs. This could include any concerns that the child or young person is not making progress towards the outcomes identified in their EHC Plan.

In addition, our SEND Improvement and Assurance Team undertake regular EHCP audits, multi-agency audits and lived experience surveys which are all designed to monitor the impact of EHCPs.

Education, health and care professionals also meet monthly to monitor a wide range of indicators for children and young people with an EHC Plan and this includes outcomes too.