Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Care leavers and young carers

We want young carers to feel supported and be active members of their community. Young carers are people under 18 who provide care for another person. This care can include practical or emotional support, and another person can be anyone within the same family, whether they are an adult or child. Being a young carer can mean that lots of responsibility is placed on the young person.

We want care leavers to reach their potential and be active members of society. As young people in care approach adulthood they will be supported to think about and plan their future, such as, where they will live, what support they may need to find accommodation, employment and take part in their community.

The information on these pages will provide links to services and websites that may be useful if you are a young carer or are preparing to leave the care of the local authority.

You can also view a selection of videos about being a care leaver or a young carer.