Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Alternative Provision

BCP Council will commission Alternative Provision for pupils who are permanently excluded and for pupils with medical needs or who are emotionally vulnerable and not able to attend mainstream school. You can read more about Alternative Provision for pupils who are permanently excluded here.

For pupils with medical needs, schools make individual pupil referrals to BCP Council and places are commissioned according to agreed criteria. Where a placement is not agreed, advice will be given to the requesting school as to the reasons why and any further action that is required by them.

Alternative Provision is also used to support pupils in exceptional circumstances where it is considered by the local authority or education providers that, for a short while, a pupil requires a step or transition to full time education or training. For pupils with Education Health and Care Plans, the SEND team commissions the provision required on behalf of the local authority.

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