Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Education support for young people age 16 plus with SEND

If you have a young person aged 16 plus in education who needs extra support we have outlined the process that would be followed.

Watch a short video about how children and young people with SEND are supported.

Support for students with SEND

Colleges must provide appropriate support for students with SEND and must organise special educational provision where it's needed (any support that's different or extra to that offered to all students). When special educational provision is made, it is called SEND support. Support provided will be in line with the Graduated Response.

Where a college decides a student needs SEN support, it should be organised in liaison with the student (and their parents/carers depending on age and mental capacity).

Examples of support might include:

  • Assistive technology
  • Personal care (or access to it)
  • Specialist tuition
  • Note takers
  • Interpreters
  • One to one or small group learning support
  • Independent living training
  • Accessible information such as symbol based materials
  • Access to therapies, for example speech and language therapy.

For more information, see chapter 7 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs)

Colleges don't have to have a SENCO, but they should have a named person who makes sure students with SEND get the help they need.

If students with SEND are not making satisfactory progress, despite receiving extra support, colleges should contact specialists to help support them.

Further information on Learning and Training

The Preparing for Adulthood section of the Local Offer has further information on learning and training for young people with SEND.

Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP's) in Further Education

Colleges should regularly review the support provided for students. If they feel a young person needs extra support, in addition to the SEND support that has already been provided, they can request (on the agreement of the young person) an EHC needs assessment.

Young people with an EHCP have an annual review. Annual reviews enable all professionals involved with the young person to come together to:

  • reflect on progress
  • identify any difficulties that need resolving or changes or adjustments that might be needed
  • agree and plan next steps.
Funding for Students with SEND in Further Education

Colleges have:

  • funding to support students with SEND
  • extra funding may be provided by the Local Authority for young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) if the EHCP requires the college to offer more support than the existing funding pays for.

Colleges can't charge tuition fees for students aged 16 to 18 or young people with EHCPs.