Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

What to do if you're not happy with SEND services

Parent Carers Together and SENDiass4BCP are able to offer support if you have a problem and are considering making a complaint.

If you’re still not happy with a service you have received, the first step is to talk to the service provider.

Talk to them if:

  • you have had a bad experience
  • there have been ongoing problems
  • the service was not as you'd hoped

You should raise your concern early on and speak with the person in charge. You can then discuss how to resolve or improve the situation.

Complaints about schools

All schools handle complaints themselves. To make a complaint about a school, follow your schools complaint procedure.

In the first instance you should speak with your child's teacher or the Headteacher. If you are not satisfied after doing this you can speak with the Chair of Governors or the SEND Governor.

The Local Authority does not consider complaints about schools until their complaints procedure has been followed and exhausted.

Complaints about other education establishments

Early years settings and colleges, should have their own complaints process which should be followed in the first instance.

If you still cannot resolve the problem, you can complain to the organisation that inspects them such as Ofsted or to the Local Authority.

Complaints about services not run by the Council

If the service is not run by the council, they will have their own complaints procedure. You will need to contact them to make a complaint. 

Complaints about Council services
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