Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Why should my child attend school regularly?

  • Attendance has a direct link to attainment. If a child is not in school regularly they are not fully accessing the curriculum and learning opportunities available to them.
  • Achieving at school builds a child's self-esteem, as well as enhancing their future prospects.
  • Attending school and being part of the school's community gives a child a sense of belonging and promotes their social development.
  • Spending time with school staff teaches a child about society's expectations with regards to behaviour and how to communicate with people in authority preparing them for adult life.
  • Attending school gives a child the opportunity to experience positive separation from their parent(s)/carer(s), which builds their confidence and resistance

What is good attendance?

Although an exam mark of 90% is very good, when looking at school attendance 90% equates to half a day absence per week. This in turn equates to 4 weeks absence in an academic year. If a child persistently had 90% attendance over the course of their education they would have been absent for a whole year of their education.

For more information on school attendance requirements please see the information on the BCP Council website

Can I take my child out of school in term time?

Following amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, which came into effect 1st September 2013, schools are only allowed to grant leave of absence from school in exceptional circumstances.

When making a written request for leave of absence from school in term time you need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional, and therefore cannot be taken within the normal 13 weeks holiday your child has from school.

There is no obligation for schools to grant this leave of absence and therefore the absence will be recorded as unauthorised if you take your child out of school without permission. This may result in a request being made to the Local AuthorityLocal AuthoritySometimes known as the council, a local authority is an organisation that is officially responsible for public services and facilities in a particular area. to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.

What do I need to do if my child is leaving the school?

The Local AuthorityLocal AuthoritySometimes known as the council, a local authority is an organisation that is officially responsible for public services and facilities in a particular area. has a statutory responsibility to ensure as far as reasonably possible that all children entering, leaving or living in the area are accounted for and are therefore safe as well as receiving an education.

If your child leaves their current school you will be expected to supply a forwarding address and details of their new school. This applies whether you are moving within the area or further afield, including abroad.

For more information please see details on the BCP Council website

What support is available to my family?

There is support available to help families and their children overcome the barriers to good school attendance.

The team is responsible for carrying out the statutory functions held by BCP Council with regards to school attendance. They work with individual schools to monitor and promote regular attendance of compulsory school aged children.

They will:

  • carry out regular attendance consultations in schools
  • meet with pupils and parents in school and at home to discuss any attendance concerns
  • work closely with families to understand how best to support you
  • work with other agencies and services to offer you and your family a package of support which meets your needs
  • implement a range of legal interventions when necessary

Government information on school attendance can be found in the website links area of this page.

For more information contact the team on:

If the query relates to a Fixed Penalty Notice Warning, Fixed Penalty Notice, or other enforcement action for non school attendance then you should refer to the contact details of any paperwork you have received. 

Useful Websites