Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The right number and types of places (sufficiency of placements) - SEND Improvement Plan

What we will do

We know that educational and life outcomes for the majority of our children and young people are greatly improved when they have their needs met locally. We will make sure we have the right number and types of school or specialist places available in schools and colleges.

Our parents and carers have said:

“BCP Council needs to demonstrate that there are sufficient places to meet the needs of children with SEND across the area, whether in mainstream, specialist or alternative provision and supported employment. It also needs to make sure that all settings are provided with the funding necessary to deliver the provision needed for each child and young person”.

Our actions to deliver this are to:

  • develop and launch a SEND sufficiency strategy;
  • implement an alternative provision (including medical) strategy;
  • develop an updated short breaks and respite care plan based on profile of need.

What will be different

Every child will have a place in a school or college which meets their educational needs. There will be an improved offer in schools with a more inclusive environment. Wherever they are they will be valued, supported and able to achieve their potential. 

Progress to date

A new SEND sufficiency strategy is being developed. This work sits alongside a review of the falling pupil roll in primary settings and this provides an opportunity in understanding how these spaces may be used to provide specialist resource i.e. resource base provision. This work has happened in co-production with schools and with parent and carer engagement.

A significant number of additional places have been agreed for the autumn term to support our SEND Sufficiency needs.

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