Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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Results for Schools and Learning

We deal with applications for places in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole schools and support parents and carers through the admissions process. We also provide information about admissions procedures, availability of ...

BCP Council Civic Centre , Bourne Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH2 6DY

School Admissions - BCP Council Logo Image

01202 123222

We can help parent/carers understand what will happen if their child is excluded from school. We can advise parents/carers on their right to appeal and ensure alternative education is provided ...

BCP Council Civic Centre , Bourne Avenue , Civic Centre , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH2 6DY

School Inclusion Service  - BCP Council Logo Image

01202 093123

In line with Government guidelines, this service provides educational support to school age children in hospital on a short, medium or long-term basis. Offers support across the curriculum, but tends ...

Acrewood Children's Ward, Poole Hospital NHS Trust , Longfleet Road , Poole , Dorset , BH15 2JB

01202 716910