Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

Our work with children and young people - Educational Psychology Service

Everyone is different and anyone can have difficulties at school. Often these sort themselves out, but sometimes it is easier to tackle a problem with the help of another person. Young people can have a wide range of difficulties at school, for example:

  • school work may seem really hard
  • feeling lonely or not fitting in
  • finding it hard to make friends
  • having trouble coping with feelings

Before we meet with children and young people, we will seek consent from parents or from young people directly if they are of an age where they are able to give this. Following this, we may:

  • spend time with them in their class
  • talk to them about:
    • their views and hopes for the future
    • things that have helped
    • things they are good at or find difficult
    • do activities and puzzles together to see what helps them to learn and solve problems.

We also work with children and young people through projects such as:

  • Beating Exam Anxiety Together (BEAT) courses
  • Managing Anxiety for Young People online programme
  • Therapeutic Stories

We also work with the adults who know the young person well, to create a shared understanding of what might be making things difficult for them at school. It is important that we look at things that are happening around the young person, to think about how these may be affecting them and any changes that may help.


EP work with children and young people