Working with families to provide the right support when it's needed

From conception to two years old: Start for Life

Start for Life is about giving you help and advice during your pregnancy and the first important two years of your child’s life.

We want to ensure you get the right support for you and your baby during their first 1001 days and recognise that kindness and compassion are so important. 

We often talk about the arrival of a new baby as a time of great joy, but it can also present new challenges. Having access to timely and high-quality support during pregnancy and the first two years of a baby’s life can help families lay the foundations for their baby’s lifelong emotional and physical wellbeing.

We at BCP Council believe that families are at the heart of what makes us happy and well and we are here to support you on your parenting journey. Please contact your local family hub for further information, family services and a very warm welcome. 

View advice if you have any concerns or are worried about a child.

If you have urgent concerns about the safeguarding of a baby or toddler please contact the Children's First Response team or if you have health concerns call 111.

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