Working with families to provide the right support when it's needed

Programme support for 5 to 11 year olds

BCP Council school navigators work in partnership with schools to support parents, carers, children and young people to achieve their best outcomes. They offer a wealth of experience and can offer personalised support to individual situations. They run parenting programmes for adults, programmes specifically for children and young people, targeted drop-in sessions and can signpost to additional services.   

Please see the sections below for further information on the programmes available. Some programmes are run in the family hubs and access to these programmes requires completion of a request for support form which can be found in the useful websites section.  The school programmes can be referred by your school navigator.

Building Positive Relationships (for parents/carers)

Secure attachments provide the foundation for healthy brain development and set a precedent for all future relationships. Parents will be introduced to 'relationship focussed' parenting which supports them to give their child a positive childhood. This approach enables trust between parents and their children to build. This can lead to the child being able to experience 'secure' relationship patterns and promote the development of the neural pathways which will support children in reaching their full potential.

Group sessions will focus on parents abilities to understand and manage the complex and challenging behaviours of their children by enabling them to understand where the attachment difficulties started and the unique issues that children with attachment problems can have as a result of their early childhood experiences.

Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit (children and young people)

This is an eight week programme for children and young people aged 8 to 16 years. The programme for children and young people explores what has happened. It hopes to help children and young people manage difficult feelings and find better ways of coping. We hope it will provide them with increased confidence and self-esteem, whilst improving relationships with those around them and preparing them for healthy relationships in the future.

Moving On Up (for children aged 10 and 11 years)

This is a four week programme delivered in your child's school between June and July, to support their transition from primary to secondary school. This is a time of excitement and anxiety for both children and parents. This group will support children to adapt to their new routines, friendship groups and educational environment. Please speak to your child's school if you would like them to participate in this programme. 

Parenting Journey (for parents/carers)

This six week parenting programme support parents and carers to develop opportunities and relationships within their home environment.

Key features that will be covered in the sessions include:

  • increasing parental understanding of their child’s personal, social and emotional development and how their brain develops
  • sharing ideas on how to spend quality time as a family
  • helping parents understand why their child does what they do!
Parenting Puzzle Nurture Programme

This ten week Parenting Puzzle Nurture Programme supports parents to feel more confident and have a greater understanding of their children's feelings and needs and how their children communicate these. Parents will have an increased repertoire of parenting strategies to support their child’s development and school readiness.

This programme is built on building blocks for positive, constructive relationships and calm, confident parenting. These involve understanding of empathy, the importance of listening and communication, exploring the power of praise and positive interaction and the power of play.

The programme promotes positive approaches to discipline and boundary setting and develops an understanding of the importance of nurturing self and others in family relationships.

Triple P Primary

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent, as well as treat, behavioural and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and create family environments that encourage children to realise their potential. It aims to equip parents with the skills and confidence they need to be self-sufficient and to be able to manage family issues without ongoing support. Each programme offers eight sessions.

Who's in Charge? (aged 8 to 11 years)

'Who’s in Charge' is a nine week child to parent violence (CPV) programme aimed at parents whose children are being abusive or violent towards them or who appear to be out of parental control. The structure of the programme consists of eight, two and a half hour sessions, with a two month follow up.

Useful Websites