Working with families to provide the right support when it's needed

Programme support for parents, carers and young adults

We provide a graduated response to support varying degrees of need. Digital resources underpin a wider offer of workshops, short courses and full programmes designed to build confidence and resilience. Our programmes cover pre-birth to 19 years. 

Please see the sections below for further information on our programme offer. Access to programmes requires completion of a request for support form which can be found in the useful websites section. We will then review your application to see if you meet the eligibility criteria for the programme. For further information please contact your local family hub

All programmes delivered in the family hubs have a home learning element, with resources and strategies provided, so that parents and carers can put what they have learnt into practice and reflect on how it went. 

Our virtual offer provides a range of activity sheets and video's, giving you lots of fun and educational things to do with your child at home. 

Building positive relationships (for parents and carers)

Secure attachments provide the foundation for healthy brain development and set a precedent for all future relationships. Parents will be introduced to 'relationship focussed' parenting which supports them to give their child a positive childhood. This approach enables trust between parents and their children to build. This can lead to the child being able to experience 'secure' relationship patterns and promote the development of the neural pathways which will support children in reaching their full potential.

Group sessions will focus on parents abilities to understand and manage the complex and challenging behaviours of their children by enabling them to understand where the attachment difficulties started and the unique issues that children with attachment problems can have as a result of their early childhood experiences.

Come Talk with Me (for parents, carers and children aged two and three years)

This evidence based programme is for children aged 2 and 3 with a language delay in their first language of no more than a year. The initial offer is for 6 weeks, increasing to a maximum of 12 weeks.

The programme is delivered by Elklan trained Programme Officers, with the aims of the child developing age appropriate communication and language skills, and the parents and carers learning the skills and knowledge they need to improve their child’s delayed language.

Weekly home learning activities are provided, as is an online learning journal through which parents and Programme Officers can share the child’s learning and progress. The child’s setting will also be included in this work, this joined up approach, between home, setting and the Come Talk with Me programme will support children with a language delay to make the maximum progress.

Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit (for parents and carers)

The adult Domestic Abuse Recovery Toolkit is a 12 week programme that helps participants understand the impact of having experienced domestic abuse, explaining how they were prevented from leaving an abusive relationship and the thinking patterns they developed as a method of managing the risk which can hold them back moving forward. The individual’s own strengths, resources and coping skills and resilience are reinforced contributing to their own health and wellness on a long-term basis.

Escape the Trap: teenage relationship abuse programme (for teenagers)

'Escape the Trap' is a programme specifically designed to help all young people, however they identify, to recognise abusive behaviours and identify the impact of such behaviours on their mental health and emotional well‑being. The programme supports them to consider their expectations of relationships and what kind of partner they would like, as well as the kind of partner they would like to be.

Flourish young parents group

Flourish is a parenting group for young parents up to the age of 25 to attend with your child.

This is a parent lead group, where you tell us what you need. This may include:

  • information on services
  • advice about most things
  • guidance on life skills.

Within the sessions there will be parenting support to help you build confidence as a parent and with your child. by using everyday learning opportunities such as listening, talking, playing, singing and sharing stories.

The group runs on Tuesdays, all year round, from 1pm til 2.30pm at Poole Old Town Family Hub.

Let’s Talk with Your Baby (for parents, carers and babies three to 12 months)

A practical, interactive eight week Elklan based programme for young and/or vulnerable parents and carers with their babies aged from 3 to 12 months. This programme encourages parents/carers to experience specific communication and attachment activities with their baby, in order to see the pleasure and benefit to them both, with the aim of continuing them in the home. Parents are also encouraged to meet other parents with children of a similar age and to build their to build their own social networks.

Parenting Puzzle (for parents)

Parenting Puzzle supports parents to feel more confident and have greater understanding of their children’s feelings and needs and how their children communicate these. Parents will have an increased repertoire of parenting strategies to support their child’s development and school readiness.

The programme is built on four Constructs (Building Blocks) for positive, constructive relationships and calm, confident parenting. These involve understanding of empathy, the importance of listening and communication, exploring the power of praise and positive interaction and the power of play.

The programme promotes positive approaches to discipline and boundary setting and develops an understanding of the importance of nurture of self and others in family relationships.

PEEP (learning together) (for parents, carers and children under 12 months)

An evidenced-based parenting programme that helps improve a child’s life chances by using everyday learning opportunities in the home environment such as listening, talking, playing, singing and sharing stories. It extends what parents/carers already know about their child, building and strengthening adult/child relationship, building child’s self-esteem and self-regulation.

The programme runs weekly over 6 weeks for children under the age of 12 months.

Core Programme Aims:

  • Child becomes a confident communicator and learner through play
  • Narrow the attainment gap which can appear even before children reach School
  • To improve a child’s PSED
  • To improve parents’ confidence in learning through play in the home environment
Starting School Together (for parents, carers and children starting school in September aged four to five years

‘Starting School Together’ is a course of six sessions that support a child’s school readiness skills. It’s aimed at preparing children for a ‘flying start’ in Reception and will be run in the Family Hubs across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

During these sessions there will be lots of individualised support and ideas for you and your child to practice all the skills they will need at school. There will also be fun play activities for you and your child to practice at home.

Sessions will take place from 26 July until 30 August.

Triple P - Primary and Teen (for parents/families with children 4 to 11 and 11 to 18 years old)

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent, as well as treat, behavioural and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential.

It aims to equip parents with the skills and confidence they need to be self-sufficient and to be able to manage family issues without ongoing support. Each programme offers eight sessions.

Triple P Stepping Stones (for parents and carers of children with development delays and disabilities)

This group aims to make parenting children with disabilities easier. Stepping Stones refers to children who have developmental delay and also children who have sensory or physical disabilities.

The programme offers suggestions and ideas on positive parenting to help you promote your child’s development. Parents learn skills and strategies to encourage their child’s social and communication skills, emotional self-regulation, independence and problem-solving ability.

Practitioners provide parents with constructive feedback on their implementation of the strategies. Parents also complete an activity workbook and undertake homework tasks.

Who’s in Charge? (for parents and carers)

Who’s in Charge? is a nine week child to parent violence (CPV) programme aimed at parents whose children are being abusive or violent towards them or who appear to be out of parental control. The structure of the programme consists of eight, two and a half hour sessions, with a two month follow up.

Young parents building blocks (for teenage parents)

This is an 11 week group concentrating on supporting and developing young parents to be, young parents and their children. The areas we cover are:

  • parenting awareness
  • healthy eating for families
  • supporting babies to play
  • contraception information.

Find out more information here.

Useful Websites