Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Higher education - preparing for adulthood

Going to university or college can improve independence skills, opportunities for making life long friends, and most importantly, provide a higher level of education to those who complete a course or degree. For disabled people especially, having a higher education qualification means a much lower risk of unemployment.

University or college is very different from being in school. Students have much less contact with tutors and teachers and will be expected to organise the majority of their study themselves including how much effort is put into studying. However, there is extra help available to those who need it, including a Disabled Students Guide and a free disabled students helpline.

Undergraduate or postgraduate students can apply for Disabled Students' Allowance to cover some of the extra costs of study because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability.

The Disabled Students' Allowance information on GOV.UK includes details of how to apply and when to apply.

You can find more information about student finance here.

Useful Websites