Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Moving into adult services

As young people grow up and move into adulthood there will be changes to the services and people that they are educated, treated or supported by.

In education this may mean moving onto 6th Form, College, Further Education or University. Young people will start preparing to move into the next stage of education around the age of 16 to 18.

Young people who have health professionals treating them will find that they start preparing to move into adult health services around the age of 14 to 16.

Young people who have social care services supporting them will find that they start preparing to move into adult services around the age of 14 to 18.

Moving into adult services is sometimes known as “TransitionTransitionTransition is the term used to describe the process of planning and preparation when children and young people change from one phase of education, health or social care to another.”.

The information on these pages explains transition in more detail.

Useful Websites