Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Moving from children's to adult social care

Adult Social Care will work closely with children’s social care services, and other involved people, to ensure that care continues throughout the transition stage, for those likely to have eligible needs. Please see the flowchart for more information. This will include an assessment at the most appropriate time, for the young person and their family.

Diverse abilities are running sessions once a term to support you during this time

Preparing to transition to adult care services if you have an EHCP

Preparing for adulthood will be discussed in detail at the Year 9 annual review of an EHCP and the Screening Tool will be completed at this time. At the year 10 review a person from the Preparing for Adulthood Team can attend the review to discuss the care and support needs further and will assess if it is likely that the young person will have care and support needs when they are age eighteen and over. 

Preparing to transition to adult care services if you do not have an EHCP

For young people who have SEN but do not have an EHCP, schools, colleges and other Post 16 providers are able to provide information and advice about preparing for adulthood. They will also be able to contact the Preparing for Adulthood Team if it is likely a young person will need adult social care support.

Allocated preparing for adulthood worker

Around the time the young person turns 16 they will be able to meet with an allocated Preparing for Adulthood team member to talk about their plans for the future. Where required, a needs assessment will be undertaken which may lead to a care and support plan being written which will identify the support they need.

What is a needs assessment?

The purpose of a needs assessment is to understand what adult social care support a young person might be eligible for once they reach 18 years old or after. Young people or their parents can request a needs assessment at any time prior to a young person’s eighteenth birthday, whether or not they have an EHC plan.

This assessment will take into consideration the support someone is already having, and what might be needed in the future. The assessment will also consider whether there is a financial contribution required to meet the young person’s needs.


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