Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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Be creative and let loose on different materials, objects and media. This class will work on various projects within the art centre and is aimed at sparking creativity! No pressure, ...

Old Milton Road , New Milton , Hampshire , BH25 6DS

Crafty Kids (Spring 2025) - Forest Arts Centre Logo Image

01425 612393

Create at Upton Country Park is located in the heart of the picturesque Upton Country Park in Poole, Dorset. A quite unique attraction which offers a relaxing space for customers ...

Upton Country Park , Poole Road , Upton , Poole , Dorset , BH17 7BJ

Create @ Upton Country Park Logo Image

01202 262753

A fun and creative space for young people to explore movement and dance through individual and collaborative play. We will use imagination and storytelling, encouraging our little ones to express ...

Old Milton Road , New Milton , Hampshire , BH25 6DS

Creative Dance Fun - Forest Arts Centre Logo Image

01425 612393

This 14 acre site was originally a large land reserve. Mined heavily between 1920 and 1950, the sand removal left 2 large pits which flooded and became Creekmoor Ponds. As ...

Creekmoor Ponds , Petersham Road , Creekmoor , Poole , Dorset , BH17 7DQ

Creekmoor Ponds Logo Image

01202 123432

How can we help you? , Support with training, learning, volunteering and work opportunities at your own pace , Enable you to fill in forms and look at education ...

Neighbourhood Centre , Northmead Drive , Creekmoor , Poole , Dorset , BH17 7XP

Creekmoor Youth Centre Logo Image

07880 480602

Upton Country Park is the ideal place to visit for a leisurely stroll or cycle ride, along the shoreline and through the woodland with beautiful views over Poole Harbour an ...

Upton Country Park , Poole Road , Upton , Poole , Dorset , BH17 7BJ

01202 127770

D-Team is a fun and relaxed Bible study run by St. Paul's Church and a great place to have fun with people your own age. It is for secondary school ...

St Paul's Church - Canford Heath , Neighbourhood Centre , Poole , Dorset , BH17 9DW

D-Team - St Paul's Anglican Church Logo Image

01202 605311

Come along to our Dad's Club! These sessions are aimed specifically for Dads (anyone who identifies as a Dad) and their little ones. As Dads often get overlooked these sessions ...

, 1442 Wimborne Road , Kinson , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH10 7AS

Dads Club at Wild Ones Stay and Play Cafe Logo Image

Dads Out for Dads and Grandads is on the 2nd Saturday of each month All Dads (and Grandads) with children up to 10 years are very welcome! Sausage/bacon rolls, hot or cold ...

St Christopher's Church , Arnewood Road , Southbourne , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH6 5DW

Dads Out for Dads and Grandads at St Christopher's Church Logo Image

07766 0517266

A fun fusion of dance, baton twirling, ribbons and tricks taught by a professional dance teacher. Improve confidence and have fun whilst developing a routine to perform at the end! ...

, Chaseside , Littledown , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH7 7DX

Dance and Move Holiday Club - BHliveactive, Littledown Logo Image

We offer a variety of dance, music, art and gymnastics classes for all ages and abilities. The studio is inclusive to all who walk through our doors. Our friendly staff ...

112 Haviland Road , Boscombe , Bournemouth? , Dorset , BH7 6HW

Dance For All (DFA) Logo Image

01202 986717

We provide a wide range of dance classes for all abilities, if you are aged between 2 and 92+ why not join us? ...

Newtown Liberal Hall , 316 Ringwood Road , Poole , Dorset , BH14 0RY

Dance Majic Logo Image

Linda 07964 681217 or Pauline 07928 720836

Fun and creative dance classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Using colourful and sensory props and fun music, these classes have been specifically devised with you and your little one ...

99 , Barrack Road , Christchurch , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH23 2AL

07950 459119

About this play area This fenced play area is near Dawkins Road open space. In this play area we have: , a jungle climber , a buddy swing , ...

, Dawkins Road , Carisbrooke Crescent , Poole , Dorset , BH15 4LB

Dawkins Road Play Area Logo Image

01202 123432

Take the 2.4km trail through this leafy woodland site. Follow the woodland paths through Delph Woods and over footbridges across shallow streams. Then relax or picnic on the grassy area ...

, Delph Woods , Portmore Close , Poole , Dorset , BH18 8BZ

Delph Woods Logo Image

01202 123432

Destined 2 Dance is committed to providing quality dance tuition through ongoing dedication and professionalism. Providing students with the opportunity to explore, enjoy and develop the core skills of dance remains ...

, King John Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH11 9TF

Destined 2 Dance Logo Image

01202 658769

Dexter Sports FC CIC runs coaching sessions for players with a disability. The Club has an Ability Counts section that provides football for players with a disability or special need. ...

Learoyd Road Recreation Ground - (Summer Training venue) , Learoyd Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 8PJ. , Ashdown Leisure Centre (Winter training venue). , Adastral Road, Poole BH17 8PY , BH17 8PY

Dexter Sports YFC - Ability Counts Team Logo Image

01202 383466

Drop in to explore the benefits of a graphic novel and have a go at writing and illustrating your own comic strip. ...

Broadstone Library , 10 Story Lane , Broadstone , Dorset , BH18 8EQ

Discover Graphic Novels at Broadstone Library Logo Image

01202 127111

Drop into the Kingfisher Barn Visitor Centre to pick up your trail challenge, follow the clues and when completed you'll get a Stour Valley Wildlife Certificate! Trails will change regularly ...

Kingfisher Barn Visitor Centre , Granby Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH9 3NZ

Discovery Trail - Kingfisher Barn Visitor Centre Logo Image

01202 128484

For years people have enjoyed exercising their dogs across the 100 acres of open parkland and woodlands at Upton Country Park. As the Park grows in popularity and in size ...

Upton Country Park , Poole Road , Upton , Poole , Dorset , BH17 7BJ

01202 127770

Join us for a free, fun family workshop to learn all about staying safe around dogs and keeping our four-pawed friends happy and healthy! The workshop includes dog themed activities, ...

Wimborne Road , Oakdale , Poole , Dorset , BH15 3EF

Dog's Trust Children's Event at Oakdale Library Logo Image

01202 127272

Poole Dolphin Leisure Centre provides everything you need for an enjoyable and active lifestyle. In addition to our modern, well-equipped gym featuring 60 stations, we offer a variety of activities ...

Dolphin Swimming Pool , Kingland Road , Poole , Dorset , BH15 1TP

Dolphin Leisure Centre Logo Image

01202 817777

Dorset Rewilding is a conservation social enterprise and not for profit Community Interest Company, based in BCP, Dorset. We specialise in numerous outdoor learning techniques, and help to inspire and ...
Dorest Rewilding Logo Image

07890 553884

24 DorPip
DorPIP are a Community Parent-Infant Relationship Service. Our services are tailored to guide families through the crucial first 1001 days of parenthood. Our goal is to provide essential emotional support ...

DorPip Logo Image

We have 4 divisions in our Ability Counts League which offers adults with disabilities the opportunity to play for their club in monthly fixture weekends. Players are welcomed who are ...

01202 688280