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Your search found 28 results
, Everyone Active Leisure Centre - Ashdown , Adastral Road, Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8PY
01202 640333 Email Website Add to Favourites
, Sherborn Crescent , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8AP
07915 665120 Email Website Add to Favourites
Poole North Scout Hall , Sherborn Crescent , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8AP
Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH21 3BW
01202 261700 Email Add to Favourites
The Beacon Centre , Mitchell Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8UE
01202 687697 Website Add to Favourites
Coy Pond Road , Branksome , Poole , Dorset , BH12 1HX
01202 123432 Email Website Add to Favourites
Creekmoor Ponds , Petersham Road , Creekmoor , Poole , Dorset , BH17 7DQ
01202 123432 Email Add to Favourites
Magna Academy , Ashdown Close , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8RE
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, Halstock Crescent , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 9BA
Hasler Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 9AN
Hasler Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 9AL
Lodge Hill Swimming Pool , 3 Canford Heath Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 9NG
07900 058395 Email Website Add to Favourites
, 7 Mitchell Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8UE
07581 505731 Email Website Add to Favourites
, Park Lake Road , Poole Park , Poole , Dorset , BH15 1TP
, Learoyd Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8SD
Tower Park , Poole , Dorset , BH12 4NY
01202 740500 Email Website Add to Favourites
Poole North Scout Hut , Sherbourne Crescent , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8AP
07795 100380 Email Add to Favourites
, Ashdown Leisure Centre , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8PY
Puddletown Crescent Play Area , Access from Puddletown Crescent, Sherborn Crescent, Chaldon Road and Warmwell Close , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8AN
, Mitchell Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8UE
01202 127127 Email Website Add to Favourites
, Scott Road , Poole , Dorset , BH12 5AX
, Learoyd Road , Canford Heath , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8PJ
Email Website Add to Favourites
Sherborn Cresent , Poole , Dorset , BH17 8RE
St Paul's Church - Canford Heath , Neighbourhood Centre , Poole , Dorset , BH17 9DW
01202 605311 Email Website Add to Favourites