Information for families in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
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You can find out about the health services available in the local area, including Doctor's Surgeries, Dentists, health clinics, mental health, sex and pregnancy and other specialist services in the community.

At ABA Horizons, we believe that every child should have access to Evidence Based services. We provide [Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)] services to help children on the Autism Spectrum (or likely to be) and other additional needs. "The ...

ABA Horizons Logo Image

01206 258045

The Children's Unit cares for children and young people from 0 to 18 years, providing comprehensive nursing care for children with medical and surgical needs and orthopaedic conditions. We provide ...

Poole Hospital , Longfleet Road , Poole , Dorset , BH15 2JB

Acute Paediatrics Service - Poole Hospital NHS Logo Image

01202 442383

3 Adfam
Adfam is the national charity working to improve life for families affected by drugs and alcohol. We want anyone affected by someone else's drug or alcohol use to have the chance ...

2nd Floor , 120 Cromer Street , London , WC1H 8BS

Adfam Logo Image

07442 137421

Al-Anon Family Groups provide support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else's drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not. For some ...

57B , Great Suffolk Street , London , SE1 0BB

Al-Anon Family Groups Logo Image

0800 0086811 (helpline)

Alcohol Change UK was founded in 1984 as the national charity working to help reduce the problems that can be caused by alcohol. We do this by helping people with ...

Alcohol Change UK , 27 Swinton Street , London , WC1X 9NW

Alcohol Change UK Logo Image

0203 9078480

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to ...

Alcoholics Anonymous Logo Image

0800 9177650

Alina Homecare provides support that enables people with disabilities and those with complex health care needs to live at home. We ensure they have great support tailored to their specific ...

First Floor, Unit 4 & 5 Concept Business Park , Innovation Close , Tower Park , Poole , Dorset , BH12 4QT

Alina Homecare Logo Image

0808 1640681

Allergy UK is the leading national charity dedicated to supporting the estimated 21 million allergy sufferers in the UK. We provide a dedicated webchat support and online forum for those ...

Planwell House , LEFA Business Park , Edgington Way , Sidcup , Kent , DA14 5BH

Allergy UK Logo Image

01322 619898

Exists to help people with all forms of dementia and those who care for them. Advice line provides information and support Answerphone is available 24 hours. Groups are also available ...

Suite 4, Branksome Park House , Bourne Valley Road , Branksome Business Park , Poole , Dorset , BH12 1ED

Alzheimer's Society Logo Image

0333 1503456 (support line)

We are the national charity for children and young people with autism. We provide services, raise awareness and understanding, and campaign for change. Our vision is to make the ordinary ...

The Pears National Centre for Autism Education , Woodside Avenue , London , N10 3JA

Ambitious about Autism Logo Image

0208 8155444.

Anxiety UK is a member of the Association of Mental Health Providers. We work to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and ...

339 , Stretford Road , Hulme , Manchester , M15 4ZY

Anxiety UK Logo Image

03444 775774

We are the UK's leading asthma research charity. The research we support helps us understand the causes of asthma, reduce asthma attacks, find new treatments for severe asthma, turn discoveries ...

18 , Mansell Street , London , E1 8AA

Asthma and Lung UK Logo Image

0300 2225800

People with Ataxia deserve care, understanding and a cure. We raise funds for medical research into finding treatments and a cure for Ataxia - until we do, we will give ...

12 Broadbent Close , London , N6 5JW

Ataxia UK Logo Image

0800 9956037 (helpline)

We offer free information and advice on a range of autism related topics to help people with autism, families and professionals to access services and plan for the future. Advice ...

Autism Unlimited , 22 Bargates , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 1QL

Autism Unlimited Logo Image

01202 483360

Baby Mama No Drama Hypnobirthing and Antenatal classes are a chilled, relaxed and fun way to prepare to meet your bundle of joy! Classes are held in Christchurch, Bournemouth and ...
Baby Mama, No Drama Logo Image

Baby Massage and Baby yoga sessions held in the local community for parents/caregivers and their babies. Friendly, welcoming and interactive small group sessions with many benefits for both babies and ...

Aerodrome studios , Airfield Road , Christchurch , Dorset , BH23 3TS

Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Sessions Logo Image

07887 358607

Our Carers Information Service supports family/unpaid carers looking after someone who would not be able to manage without their support in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole. Join the Carers' Information Service ...

BCP Council Civic Centre , Bourne Avenue , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH2 6DY

BCP Carers Support Logo Image

01202 128787

Beat is the UK's only nationwide organisation supporting people affected by eating disorders, their family members and friends. Beat provides information and support by phone, text or email and via ...

Unit 1 Chalk Hill House , 19 Rosary Road , Norwich , Norfolk , NR1 1SZ

Beat (Eating Disorder Charity) Logo Image

0808 801 0677

Beating the Blues is an online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) program for individuals with mild to moderate depression and anxiety. This online CBT course enables users to work through modules ...

Beating the Blues Logo Image

For fast, friendly, anytime, trusted NHS advice on breastfeeding, message our Start4Life Breastfeeding Friend chatbot Our weekly emails and videos will give you all the help and advice you need ...

Better Health Start for Life Logo Image

Are you a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic child, young person, parent or carer, affected by Covid-19?You can speak to us about your worries, problems and stresses during this time, ...

Boloh - The Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Family Helpline Logo Image

0800 1512605

The Bournemouth Blind Society supports blind and partially sighted people living in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area to lead active and independent lives. We offer Support Services and Social Groups at our centre ...

5 Victoria Park Road , Bournemouth , Dorset , BH9 2RB

Bournemouth Blind Society Logo Image

01202 546644

We're Bowel Cancer UK, the UK's leading bowel cancer research charity and we're determined to save lives and improve the quality of life for all those affected by bowel cancer. ...

Willcox House 140-148 , Borough High Street , London , SE1 1LB

Bowel Cancer UK Logo Image

0207 9401760

We are the only UK wide charity providing care, information and support to people affected by breast cancer. We want every person affected by breast cancer to get the best ...

Chester House 1-3 , Brixton Road , London , SW9 6DE

Breast Cancer Care Logo Image

0808 800 6000

The Dorset Health Care Breastfeeding Advisory Team provides breastfeeding training and support to health professionals across Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole. They support strategic developments within the Trust regarding breastfeeding. They ...

Sentinel House , Nuffield Industrial Estate , Nuffield Road , Poole , Dorset , BH17 0RB

Breastfeeding Support - Dorset HealthCare University Logo Image

0800 587 4997