Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

You said: the Social Care section of the Local Offer is not clear and lacks information. We did: work is underway to improve this section of the Local Offer. This page is ...
Tell someone you trust, you will be helped It may be hard to talk about it but telling someone you trust will help stop it happening. Keep telling until it stops. Who ...
Find information on dental treatment for people with special needs. The British Society for Disability and Oral Health has links to oral health resources for a range of conditions. Watch a video ...
A SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) is responsible for an education settings Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy and for arranging help and assistance for children who need additional support. Their job ...
This section contains information on specialist aids, equipment and adaptations. See local services for organisations that can support you. How to get a wheelchair or scooter Driving and vehicle adaptations within the ...
Poole Hospital provides paediatric care for Dorset. This includes acute, high dependency and oncology services. Find out about the Acute Paediatrics Service at Poole Hospital. Find out about the paediatric high dependency ...
Speech, language and communication needs are difficulties that can be experienced by children and young people of all ages, from preschool through to young adulthood. ...
We want to help young people to understand why eating healthily, moving about or exercising and looking after themselves can help them to feel better and stay well. The websites and ...
Most young people will use a computer or the internet at some point. For young people with special educational needs, understanding how to keep safe online is especially important. Click here ...
Emergency contact numbers Have a list of emergency contact numbers to hand when you are at home, or out and about. Numbers you should have include: your parent or carer a neighbour or someone ...