Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

We want young people in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to feel safe. There are ways you can help yourself to stay safe, including: not sharing your address, phone number or email address ...
Do you have questions about online safety? Look at the NSPCC website or contact the NSPCC phone helpline on 0808 8005002. Did you know you can set up age appropriate parental ...
How can we help the children and young people we work with get the best out of the internet? Below are links to sources of information and advice. children need more ...
Some education and training is free and others have a cost. Information about student finance can be found here. There are a number of ways to get help with the ...
See our Family Information Directory to find out about national and local support services for people with drug and alcohol issues. You can also find support through CAMHS. ...
Children and young people with SEN and disabilities may be more vulnerable to targeting by aggressive or unkind people on social media. Help protect your children by reading our Top Tips ...
The Equality Act 2010 describes disability as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day to ...
Schools have to make sure that pupils with medical conditions can enjoy the same opportunities as any other pupil. They must arrange support for pupils with medical conditions and have ...
A range of childcare funding is also available. Find out more on our childcare page. ...
There are many organisations which can provide additional help and advice – the following contacts and links may be useful: General Advice Services Citizen's Advice Bureau Money Advice Service Christians Against Poverty Family Fund (if ...