Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

You said: We want to be involved in projects from the beginning We did: Virtual workshops have been arranged with parents, carers, BCP and NHS staff to work on updating new ...
Written statement of action We have recruited three new roles as an outcome to the Written Statement of Action. SEND Local Offer Lead Lead the development and maintenance of the SEND Local ...
We can receive feedback from you. This can happen in a variety of ways such as regular workshops, reviews, the special educational needs and disability surveys, drop in sessions and ...
Five minutes a day playing and talking with your child will make all the difference. Follow these fun ideas and activities to support your child's speech, language and communication skills. ...
A comic strip is a way of showing pictures of a conversation - the things said in a conversation, how people might be feeling and what people's intentions might be. This ...
You said: You said you wanted to better communication with the SEND Team. We did: We are aiming to reply to phone calls within three working days and emails 5 working ...
A community paediatrician looks after children with physical or developmental disabilities, including ADHD, and autism spectrum conditions. They also have a particular role with children who are looked after or ...
This page contains information on Continuing Care and Continuing Healthcare. ...
Young people in receipt of Continuing Care and their families/carers will be supported in the transition to adult services from the age of 14yrs. Assessment for NHS Continuing Healthcare should ...
Learning to buy and cook food is an important skill to learn, especially as young people are moving into adult life. Learning to cook or shop independently can seem like a ...