Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

Knowing or suspecting that your child is being bullied can be very upsetting, but there's lots you can do to help tackle the problem. ...
The Anti-Bullying Alliance report that disabled children and those with special educational needs are more likely to experience bullying in school and online. Visit their website for useful information and ...
There are two versions of the Care and Treatment Review. One for children and young people which is called a Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR) and one for adults ...
We want care leavers to reach their potential and be active members of society. We want you to have the same opportunities in life as other young adults. As young ...
All schools and further education providers are required to provide independent careers advice to young people. Careers advice aims to help young people understand what types of jobs they want ...
If you care for someone, you can have an assessment to see what support might be available to make your life easier. This is called a carer's assessment. Anyone over ...
Ofsted registers most childcare provision, either on the Early Years Register or the Childcare Register and regularly inspects childcare providers to ensure that quality standards are being met. Inspections are used ...
If you are concerned about a child and suspect that he/she is being sexually abused, you can find information and details of support services here. ...
This is a special scheduled play time between a parent/caregiver/practitioner and their child/key child. In this special play time, the adult follows the child’s lead. That means we take interest in ...
A range of childcare funding is available for all children. Additionally, children with special educational needs and disabilities, are entitled to the following: For children who receive Disability Living Allowance and ...