Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

Independent travel training is targeted support to help people with disabilities who are aged eighteen or over. Support is delivered to enable people to learn how to travel safely and ...
Childminders care for children in their own home, offering a home-from-home environment. They can also make use of local amenities, giving children the benefit of trips out to local parks, ...
Being a parent can be the most rewarding job in the world, but at times may feel like it's the most difficult. When your child becomes a teenager, it can ...
For information leaflets on self isolating see below. ...
Exam time can be a very challenging and stressful period for both you and your young person. So how do you help your teenager stay calm, motivated and reach their full ...
Just like adults, children and young people feel worried at times. But if a child's worries are starting to affect their well-being, they may need some help to overcome it. ...
Anxiety is a normal human emotion felt by everybody; it is a feeling of fear or panic experienced by most people in reaction to stressful circumstances. Everybody has a natural ...
You may have been told: *No-one will listen - X NOT TRUE *No-one will believe you - X NOT TRUE *You will get in trouble if you tell - X NOT TRUE *It’s ...
Jake's story: Luke was a family friend and often used to babysit me. He was always around our house. We all trusted him. He was 15 when it started, so ...
Going to the doctor is not always easy if you have a learning disability. By joining the learning disability register you can get: extra support when you visit your doctor - including ...