Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

Out of School Club is the term used to describe an Ofsted registered sessional activity that takes place outside school hours or during school holidays for children aged 5 to ...
We're grateful to local parents who have shared their personal journeys and hope others find them useful. It's comforting to know you're not alone and that there is help and support ...
January 2023 -We recently sent out a poll via the shared space on Teams and via email asking you if you preferred pictures or symbols on the front page - ...
For parents: Relate - Supporting parent relationships | Relate - Relate have joined with BCP Council to offer free family coaching sessions for parents of children with additional needs or Mental ...
BCP Council would like to hear your views on the Early Years childcare providers and/or out of school childcare that you use and any difficulties you have encountered accessing provision ...
Personalisation and Participation - what does that mean? When a young person has special educational needs and or a disability they usually need help from others to make sure that they ...
Having a job brings greater independence and freedom. There are a number of things you can do to work towards getting a job. Make enquiries about the foundation curriculum which may ...
Parents of a child with an EHC plan, or a young person who has an EHC plan, can ask for a personal budget. You can also ask for a personal ...
A personal health budget (PHB) is an amount of money to support a person's healthcare and support needs. This is money that the NHS would normally spend on an individual's ...
Portage is a specialist home-visiting education service targeted primarily at children under the age of three years with significant and complex SEND needs who are accessing less than ten hours ...