Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

An update on national and local plans for improving special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision - March 2023 The government recently published its new national plan for improving SEND and ...
There are many ways that young people can gain experience and knowledge, prepare themselves for the world of work and develop independence skills. Academic Qualifications - a formal style of learning ...
If your child has additional needs or a disability, you may need to check the support arrangements in place at an activity provider. Questions you could ask, depending on your child’s ...
Are your staff Disclosure and Barring Service checked? People who work with children and young people should undergo an enhanced check. Find out more about the Disclosure and Barring Service and ...
Rail Trespass on the railways in the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole area is monitored by Network Rail however, parents/carers and professionals working with children and young people have a key ...
Relationships are an important part of everyone’s life but it can be difficult to talk about. People with a learning disability or special needs have the same rights as anyone ...
If you are worried about someone’s safety, or you do not feel safe, there are people you can talk to about your concerns. ...
Respite care is a form of short-term substitute care for children with significant disabilities or a serious health condition, which is provided by someone other than parents or the usual ...
People First Forum is a charity run by and for people with learning disabilities. The charity works to keep vulnerable residents safe. The charity has a 'Safe Places' scheme which encourages ...
We have been told that there is some concern amongst our young people who currently attend specialist education settings that BCP Council is aiming to end these placements or move ...