Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

The NHS has useful information about development co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia) on their website. NHS information about dyspraxia in children NHS information about dyspraxia in adults ...
We are delighted that a Dingley's Promise Assessment Centre is opening in BCP this month. Please keep an eye out for exciting press announcements and information about the Dingley's Promise ...
The disability access fund (DAF) is money given to early years/childcare providers to help support children with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities in their setting. The aim of the DAF ...
Disabled Facilities Grants pay for essential adaptations to help people with disabilities stay in their own homes. Grants are administered by Housing and Community Services (HCS) under the Housing Grants, Construction and ...
Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG’s) are available for children and young people with permanent disabilities in their main residence. The grant provides up to £30,000 depending on the assessed needs of ...
It is important to register with a GP, so you can access health services if you need them. You can register with a GP of your choice, as long as you ...
Food banks need your help, now more than ever. Next time you do your grocery or food shop, please remember your local food banks. How to donate You can use the food bank ...
If you have special educational needs or a disability, there is a range of support and equipment available to help you: learn to drive drive independently ...
Dorset have a register for children, young people and adults. The register is about checking that your care, treatment (and education if applicable) is right. The following resources may be helpful: NHS ...
Early help navigators support children, young people and families by providing the right support at the right time. All families face challenges at some stage and early help is about ...