Support for children aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Advice & Information

The Early Years Foundation Stage framework is the legal requirement for registered childcare providers, and a framework for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5 years, through ...
There are four main areas of need and many children and young people will have needs in a number of these areas. Their individual needs may also change over time ...
All Pre-schools, Day Nurseries must have a Manager qualified to at least Level 3 in Childcare or Early Years and half the staff on L2 to be working towards higher ...
Universal, or ordinarily available provision, is the foundation for all provision in educational settings and is based on high quality teaching and is often called ‘Quality First Teaching’ or ordinarily ...
Parent Carers Together and SENDiass4BCP are able to offer support if you have a problem and are considering making a complaint. If you’re still not happy with a service you have ...
The relationships our children see between the people they love affects their happiness and well-being. It is crucial to show your child that the adults they love can manage their ...
All schools are required to be inclusive and most children and young people with SEN attend a mainstream school. Sometimes a special school or specialist resourced provision might be the best ...
Attendance has a direct link to attainment. If a child is not in school regularly they are not fully accessing the curriculum and learning opportunities available to them. Achieving at school ...
Most people will have the chance to gain work experience during their time at school or college. This will sometimes be for just a day or two and sometimes it ...
Our vision and strategy Our vision is that all children and young people with SEND have brighter futures, fulfilled lives and are part of their local communities, so that they: experience inclusion ...